This Sunday's poem was written many years ago and inspired by the copious amounts of "French" music I was listening to in the early 2000's. Enjoy. Bohemian Urge by Scott Walldren Oh to be a Bohemian and live the life of the street musician, except for in the wintertime, of course, when my accordion would freeze to the money-collecting monkey’s paw and he would have to be chopped free from my shoulder by some kindly axe-wielding passerby. And then of course, I’d have to buy a new accordion. And a new monkey. Hmm. But how sweet it could be! Sitting on a bench in the park or on the sill of a shop window, playing outside with my heart’s joys and sorrows for the occasional scrap of a dollar. To above all be free from pretension and simply be, to feel the note soar in my heart and fly out through my hands as they squeeze the life out of the box. And then there would be the policeman. “Do you have a license to perform?” he would ask. “Does one need a...
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